About Us

Ohio Valley Opportunities, Inc. (OVO) is a Community Action Agency formed on October 11, 1965 in Madison, Indiana. For over 55 years, OVO has led the way in developing innovative programs to meet the needs of the older adults, individuals with disabilities, and families with children in Jefferson, Jennings, and Scott counties. In 2017, OVO expanded its Weatherization Program to serve families in Bartholomew, Jackson, and Decatur counties. And in 2022, OVO expanded its Energy Assistance Program to serve families in Clark and Floyd counties. Even after expanding from a three to eight county program area in just five years, OVO continues to seek new opportunities to meet the needs of individuals and families with low-incomes.
As a Community Action Agency, OVO tackles the root causes of poverty. The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 (EOA) established over 1,000 Community Action Agencies (CAAs) across the nation to implement anti-poverty programs at the local level. Community Action Agencies provide a wide array of services and programming and have helped millions of people move toward self-sufficiency. OVO is proud to serve as the Community Action Agency for Jefferson, Jennings and Scott Counties. A hallmark of Community Action is the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG). These funds are available to Community Action Agencies and support programming and services that help low-income individuals increase self-sufficiency, improve living conditions, gain ownership of and pride in their communities, and build strong family and support systems. These grants are administered on the state level. Here in Indiana, the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) administers and monitors the CSBG program. In Indiana, Community Action Agencies provide service to all of Indiana’s 92 counties. These organizations comprise the Indiana Community Action Network. This network allows these agencies to work together and share information in order to establish best practices in service, provide support and resources, and to identify statewide and local community needs.