Housing Choice Voucher Program

The HCV Waiting Lists for Jefferson, Jennings and Scott Counties are now OPEN!
Before submitting an application for Housing Choice Voucher rental assistance, individuals must first add their name to one of OVO’s HCV Waiting Lists. Applications for each county waiting list will ONLY be accepted online, through the links. If you live in one of the three following counties, CLICK ON THE LINK FOR THE COUNTY WHERE YOU LIVE. This will ensure your name is pulled quicker, as preference is given to households applying for the county in which they live.
Jefferson County: https://www.waitlistcheck.com/IN1806-2487
Jennings County: https://www.waitlistcheck.com/IN1806-2488
Scott County: https://www.waitlistcheck.com/IN1806-2520
If you have already submitted an application and would like to know your status on the Waiting List, you can use the same log-in information for your application to log into your account; there you can check your status and update information. https://www.assistancecheck.com/
About Housing Choice Vouchers
The Housing Choice Voucher program, also referred to as Section 8, is a rental assistance program funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The program allows income-qualified families, including working adults, older adults and individuals with disabilities, to afford safe and decent housing in the community of their choice. Program participants are required to pay a portion of their rent, usually 40% or less of their income. The remainder of the rental cost is supplemented by a Housing Assistance Payment made directly to the property owner or manager by OVO each month.
The participant is free to choose any housing unit that meets program requirements. An individual or family issued a housing voucher is responsible for finding a suitable housing unit of their choice where the owner agrees to rent under the program. This unit may include the family’s present residence if rented. Rental units must meet minimum standards of health and safety, as determined by OVO.
OVO provides all of its services without regard to race, age, color, religion, sex, disability, national origin, ancestry, familial status or status as a veteran.
To enroll in the Housing Choice Voucher Program, you must first add your name to one of our Waiting Lists. Once added, it may take anywhere from a few weeks to several years for your name to be pulled from the Waiting List. When your name is pulled, OVO will send you a full application to be completed, which OVO will use to determine your eligibility. If you are found eligible, you will then need to find a unit that meets HCV requirements.
HCV assistance is limited to U.S. citizens and specified categories of noncitizens who have eligible immigration status. In order to be approved, applicants must also meet the income limits established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The income limits listed below are current as of December 2022. Applicants who believe they are slightly over-income are still encouraged to apply, as OVO may calculate household differently than expected.
1 Person | $26,100 |
2 People | $29,800 |
3 People | $33,550 |
4 People | $37,250 |
5 People | $40,250 |
6 People | $43,250 |
7 People | $46,200 |
8 People | $49,200 |
In addition to reviewing citizenship and income documentation, OVO conducts a criminal background check for all household members 18 years of age and older. Participants will be denied eligibility for the following (with some exceptions):
- Inclusion on the National Sex Offender Registry
- Any illegal drug activity within the past three years
- Any violent crimes within the past three years
- Production of methamphetamine in public housing
HCV is an excellent program that can help ensure landlords receive timely rent payments while providing an important service for vulnerable members of their community. OVO staff provide support through annual check-ins with participants, biennial inspections of units, and assistance as needed with lease violations and other tenant issues. 98% of landlord respondents to our 2022 survey said they would recommend the program to other landlords. Check out our Landlord Brochure and HQS Unit Inspection Resource for more information.