Celebrating Success: November 2017

Celebrating Success: November 2017

November is the beginning of our busy season here at OVO!  With the start of the Energy Assistance Program this month, we will be serving over 2,500 households over the next 3-4 months!  Our Head Start classes are in full swing and working their way towards the Winter Holiday breaks.  Spirits and energy are high here at OVO and will help push us through the rest of the winter season!  Here are some of the great successes we had during the month of November:

  • Our Section 8 Program housed 6 new families for the month of November!  The Housing Choice Voucher Program allows us to give individuals and families a fresh start and access to quality, safe, and affordable places to call home.
  • The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) officially announced that the Weatherization Assistance Program for Jackson, Bartholomew, and Decatur Counties has been reassigned to OVO!  We are incredibly excited for the opportunity to increase our service area and provide the highest quality of weatherization services to residents in these new communities.
  • We received our official clearance letter for our Energy Assistance Program and Community Services Block Grant audit.  Great job staff on your awesome work to make this monitoring a success!
  • Our Energy Assistance Program has processed over 651 applications for the Winter Program!  The program kicked off on November 1st.  From now until the end of the program in May, we will be providing households in need with much needed assistance with their heating and electric bills.
  • We have received over 400 completed surveys for our 2017 Community Needs Assessment!  The Hanover Business Scholars Program students will compile and analyze the data from these surveys as part of the process of completing this triennial assessment on our behalf.  We are very pleased with the incredible response to this survey and the wealth of valuable data that they will provide to inform us on emerging community needs!