Ohio Valley Opportunities’ Weatherization Assistance Program is accepting Bidders to provide home insulating and air sealing, HVAC repair or installation, and/or light residential rehabilitation in Jefferson, Jennings, Scott, Jackson, Bartholomew, and Decatur Counties. Through funding provided by the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA), at least 60 homes per year are weatherized by OVO contractors. Bid packets will be available after March 14, 2018. General contractors and HVAC contractors should contact Jeff Rowlett, Weatherization Program Director, at (812) 265-5858 to schedule a bidder’s orientation and to receive a bid packet. Sealed bids must be returned by March 23, 2018. Local contractors and Minority and/or Women Owned Businesses are strongly encouraged to bid. OVO provides all of its services without regard to race, age, color, religion, sex, disability, national origin, ancestry, or status as a veteran.