Looking to start a new and rewarding career? Then look no further! OVO is now hiring for our 2018-19 Head Start school year. We have numerous positions open, including full and part time positions with great benefits! We will be hiring for the following positions:
- Health & Nutrition Coordinator
- Center Director
- Home Visitor
- Teachers
- Teacher Assistants
- Bus Drivers
- Center Assistants
We will be hosting job fairs in all three of our counties to accept applications and perform onsite interviews. The schedule of Job Fairs is:
Jefferson County
575 OVO Drive, Madison
Jennings County
3040 N Highway 3, North Vernon
Scott County
1172 Community Way, Scottsburg
OVO is an awesome place to start your new career! Some of the many benefits enjoyed by our employees include: competitive salary; health, dental, vision, & life insurance; 401(k) retirement plan; generous leave policy; training & educational opportunities; and a rewarding career giving back to the community.
OVO is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider. We provide all of our services without regard to race, age, color, religion, sex, disability, national origin, ancestry, or status as a veteran