We are pleased to announce that for the first time in three years, Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority will open the Housing Choice Voucher Program Section 8 waiting list for Jefferson, Jennings, and Scott Counties. For this service area, IHCDA administers the Section 8 Program under a contract with Ohio Valley Opportunities, Inc. (OVO). Section 8 provides rental assistance to very low-income individuals and families. These waiting lists will be open for one week only, April 13th-17th, 2015.
In order to apply for Section 8, applicants must first be placed on a waiting list for a voucher. There are a very limited number of vouchers available for each county. Families should plan to be on the waiting list for 1-4 years. Assistance is awarded on a first-come-first-serve basis and by a preference system. Applications will only be available after the official opening at 8am on April 13th, 2015. Any applications received after April 17th, 2015 will not be accepted. Applicants must present a picture ID. In order to be placed on the waiting list, you can apply for the waiting list in the county in which you want to reside within the three counties.
If you believe you are eligible and are in need of clean, safe, and decent housing, come and fill out an application at OVO’s Administrative Office located at 421 Walnut Street, in Madison, the week of April 13-17, Monday through Friday, 8am-4pm. Staff will be onsite to answer any questions you may have. OVO is an Equal Opportunity Housing Agency.